
Future of Banking Industry Through Blockchain Technology

Future of Banking Industry Through Blockchain Technology

September 10, 2018

Banking and Blockchain often go hand in hand – because the latter one modernizes the traditional financial system.  You might have all familiar with the emerging concepts like Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, ICO and so on. If yes, do you think the virtual currencies will take over fiat currencies such as Rupees or dollar?.  Do you think the […]

Blockchain For Business

Will Blockchain Technology Enhance the Business System in Upcoming Days?

September 1, 2018

Earlier, people found that traditional database system is a unique method for upgrading the overall system. As days passed on, there was serious threat towards conducting an online transactions, business or sharing data. It is claimed that the traditional process for enhancing business in the digital world doesn’t provide transparency and security. Even the biggest […]

“Top 5 Industries That Will Soon Be Disrupted By Blockchain” is locked Top 5 Industries That Will Soon Be Disrupted By Blockchain

Top 5 Industries That Will Soon Be Disrupted By Blockchain

August 28, 2018

What do we see in technology today? Blockchain – Ohh, pretty simple and quite true. Technological changes and up-gradations are the general myth of growth for every industry. At present, the latest advancement everywhere puffed up is “Blockchain Technology”. In the simplest term, Blockchain Technology means a “decentralized database” – A database that runs on millions and millions of […]

Trends of Blockchain Technology is now rising over the world of digital marketing

Trends of Blockchain Technology is now rising over the world of digital marketing

August 21, 2018

We are in a world of technology where Bitcoin comes before bank and Google comes before think! Yes, at present, the blockchain technology is getting a lot bigger than the database. And when it comes to digital marketing, Blockchain technology is evolving at a rapid pace. As the competition in the IT sector grows on […]