Google Recent Changes: Image Search Filters, search result for blogs

Google recent changes

There is an always a fluctuation in Google’s search/ algorithm and the way it helps people find exact things they expect.

However, there is much talk about Google’s recent changes to the search industry. It’s better to analyze what’s going on in search industry to optimize our web pages to meet modern customer’s requirements.

This article describes what variations occur in search industry to keep your Google knowledge updated. I have compiled momentous changes Google has made to organic search over past few days.

Here we go….


Most Recent: Changes to Google image search results

There are few new features designed to help people find better image result when they snap on image search tab. Let’s go in recap

1: Image search Filters:

Do an image search, for instance: “Photoshop” and you will get some filters which looks like this

Image search filters

This will narrow down user’s specifications and help them find the exact image they want. Moreover, these filters will also show you the specific color you want an image in.

2: Similar Item suggestions:

Once you conduct an image search, like Sling bags (images for clothing and accessories), clicking on the image will facilitate you see few similar item suggestions. This will look like this….

Similar items suggessions

3: Style Ideas:

This is very new yet most lovely changes Google did. This concern with fashion search results. Style ideas will give a users some suggestions how the item can be worn.

Style ideas

Search Results for Blogs

With the rise of content writing & marketing, Google now has made a great change specifically for blog search. Let’s conduct a search for “marketing blogs” and you will get this result.

Search for blogs

Conducting a search for marketing blogs will return a result either in rich list or carousel at the top of search result pages. This change will be more valuable for the one looking for blogs in a specific category and a webmaster end up getting ranking in rich results.

Google recent changes

Changes to Google Local Search Results

Google has made a slight change in its local result, which is known as auto-translations. Searching something in a foreign country will now automatically translate all the reviews to the language you set on your device. This creates a trust among those who always Google before purchasing or going somewhere.

Google shopping search results

Inspite of local reviews, a few month Ago Google has released a new program which is called as “Google’s customer reviews”.

What is Google’s customer reviews?

It is a new update from Google which lets user review on a particular product only when they purchased something from the website and known to be a verified purchase. Moreover, after enabling it, Customers will be receiving an update about their buying experience. This include rating from a customer on a specific product which leads to building Google customer reviews score.

This score afterward will appear in Google’s shopping search results. A website owner can use this score as a badge on their website which will be customized in many ways. This badge will enhance the trust of buyers.


These were the most recent changes Google made to its search result to make it more specific and accurate. Signup for our newsletter and get weekly updates on news from The Web and Digital source – Ultimez

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