Doubling the Twitter characters limit from 140 to 280

Doubling the Twitter characters limit from 140 to 280

Twitter as being the most popular social network for professional is been experimenting something new every now and then. With the recent experiment “redesigning Twitter look”, Twitter has experienced a significant growth across its audience and business portfolio. Relatively, Twitter users seems to be happy and satisfied with more transparent design.

Twitter characters limit from 140 to 280

140 characters limit had been the irritating thing when it comes to share something valuable which demands more characters. And at this time, most people seems taking screenshot and then tweeting with 140 characters but now you may not have to work this much hard. 😊

This is because, Twitter is trying to doubling up the characters limit which will go above 140 characters. And more likely 280 characters.

Further they announced it at the official blog of Twitter

“We want every person around the world to easily express themselves on Twitter, so we’re doing something new: we’re going to try out a longer limit, 280 characters, in languages impacted by cramming (which is all except Japanese, Chinese, and Korean).”

However, the update is not available for all but limit to only a small group.

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