Recent updates rolled out in LinkedIn,Job seekers don’t risk to miss it!!




The professional service oriented platform, LinkedIn, created by Reid Hoffmani in December 2002, is growing rapidly acquiring vast users. It is used as a professional networking platform, where employers post jobs and job seekers post their CV’s. Currently, the application has acquired more than 106 million active users.

LinkedIn provides the user to build a professional relationship, by creating profiles, which includes the description their work experience, education and training, skills, and a personal photo. Additionally, it also provides user to make connections online. However, users can find jobs, people, and business opportunities. Employers can list jobs, and search for potential candidates. Moreover, job seekers can view the profile of hiring managers and find a job.

LinkedIn launched “#HASHTAG ”, “VIDEO-FILTERS”  and “ASK FOR REFERRAL” features.


“Posting nice contents on social media alone is outdated as the black and white TV, keying into current trends, trending hashtags, searchable keywords and share-ability are the new social currency”


Similar to other social media platforms, now LinkedIn is back with the #hashtag  feature. However,  after disabling them for several years due to lack of use, LinkedIn is now eager to push the use of hashtags. The hashtags are to help you get found in LinkedIn’s search engine when the audience are looking for someone who does what you do.

Now, when you type to post any update in LinkedIn, you come across few #hashtag  suggestions, which you can include in your caption, or  you just tap on “ADD HASHTAG” and add desired hashtag. By clicking on this you can highlight your keywords from the caption. Additionally, your keywords become clickable and automatically available publically

Further, you can search for a hashtag to see all public posts tagged with it.


LinkedIn launched video feature in August last year, allowing people to upload video clips and then post them to their feed. Now to make the video feature more engaging, LinkedIn has rolled out  3 new filters.

The 3 new filters are “ON THE AIR”, “WORK HIGH FIVE,” “SIDE HU$TLE,” which are very nasty to visualize

How it works ??

Firstly, tap the video icon in the share box, then record a video and while uploading video, add filters or text by tapping the icons in the top-right-hand corner. Drag those filters to the desired location.

In comparison with Facebook, Instagram and other social media platform, the recent rolled out filters are quite boring and unappealing. 


The fastest way to change yourself, is to keep connected with people, who are already the way you want to be.



This small update in the application provides a huge advantage for the job seekers.

The top way job seekers discover a job, is through a person they knew in that particular company. Thus, LinkedIn deployed a new feature “ASK FOR REFERRAL”.

If a person is keen about specific role in a particular company, the best way to get scheduled for an interview is, through a referral. Rather than just sending a CV to an interested company, a job seeker can make connection with the employers working at respective company & request for referral.

Later, when you find a suitable job post, tap the “Ask for a referral” button present below the post, then select the person you would like to reach. A pre-populated message box appears automatically, however you can still edit the message & make it more impressive by including your skills, work experience and many more, which becomes easier for the referral person to recommend you to the hiring manager or recruiter.

But unfortunately, according to LinkedIn source, this feature will no longer be active from 18th may 2018.
Final thoughts

LinkedIn is no longer an online resume, it’s your digital reputation. Moreover, the interesting fact about LinkedIn is , it is not the same kind of networking, that happens at conferences or meeting. LinkedIn is networking without the pressure.

Enjoy these new features. Let’s wait and watch, what LinkedIn has next for its audience.

Be connected!!

Hope the article was worth reading, stay tuned to know what’s on the horizon on your favorite social media platform.


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