Vital WordPress Automation tools you must know about

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  • Published : November 21, 2016
WordPress Automation tools you must know

WordPress Automation tools

It is important to know WordPress automation tools because managing a WordPress website is an extensive task. If you can use automation tools, it can save WordPress developers time and reduce loads of responsibility so that you can focus on other aspects of website development and maintenance.

Here we go with the list of most significant WordPress Automation tools that will offer you productivity and peace of mind simultaneously.


This is another WooCommerce extension that I use for onboarding new buyers of our stock Genesis themes and online SEO courses. I have multiple emails scheduled to send once after order starts processing. They give information on using the new theme or course, as well as answer many of the common questions I’d receive time and time again. This WordPress plugin drastically reduced my support time and has increased customer satisfaction.


This is a powerful plug-in for WooCommerce that offers follow-up communication based on user-defined workflows. Web developers use this auto-plugin to alert theme buyers that their subscriptions are on the way to get expired and request them to renew the same to enjoy nonstop support.

Mail chip:

This is a 3rd party software solution that offers the facility to set up email campaigns and RSS based emails. Most often, this auto tool is used to send weekly newsletters to blog subscribers. MailChimp uses a blog’s RSS feed to robotically populate the newsletter and send it on a preset day and time.

Simple URLs:

This plugin helps to link a website to external websites and as well as to track the usage of these hyperlinks. Web developers use this auto plugin for linking to destinations that are often referenced in the blog and supportive forums. It’s also good for managing affiliate links.

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Subscribe to comments:

This auto plugin allows users to request notification on blog comment updates for a particular post. It helps in customer integration as well as it increases visitor satisfaction.


This auto-tool for WordPresslinks WooCommerce sales to Google Analytics reports. The tool helps Google Analytics to track sales and report on significant data like sales by source, sales by day, etc.


This is an automatic WordPress plugin that helps in streamlining few SEO efforts. The plug-in helps in assessing SEO grade against per post or per page. It is an excellent feedback extracting tool that will help in assessing the aptness of SEO strategy.

These are the automatic plugins for WordPress (WordPress Automation tools). Which further helps in simplifying a web developer’s responsibility of website maintenance. However, fascination for these tools may vary from one web developer to another. If you are willing to know more about WordPress development then contact the expert WordPress development company Bangalore.

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