Instagram introduces @mention sharing feature

Instagram introducing @mention sharing feature to reshare stories

Imagine if your friend just uploaded a picture by tagging you on his story and you desperately want to repost! You may end up just taking a snip and then uploading on your story separately. 

But. but. but!!!!

Instagram has got a perfect solution for this. Instead of taking a screenshot and posting it as your story, now you can repost/reshare the stories your tagged in with Instagram’s @mention sharing feature

Interesting right ? Let’s go in deep

Recently , the application rolled out a new feature which allows user to share other people’s stories publicly if they are tagged in. Previously, sharing other user’s stories could only be done through direct messages. This is the first time Instagram is allowing to share other user’s stories publicly.

Let’s see how it works..

When you’re tagged  in any post, you receive a notification via direct message with the option to share a photo or video to your own story. Moreover, you can also add your own filters to other’s stories by editing them with stickers , text,  drawings or any other creative tools.

sharing feature

Later, When your followers see your story, the username of the person who had originally posted it will appear on your story. Additionally this feature allow your followers to even check out your friend’s profile.

At present, the update is available on iOS and Android for Instagram version 48.

Hope you are enjoying the latest update. Do comment your reviews and stay tuned for more interesting updates on your favorite social media.

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